Aphids on blackberries

Aphids on blackberries

Aphids on blackberries are not beautiful and annoy every gardener. They cause unsightly discoloration on the leaves and can endanger the entire harvest. The best remedy for blackberry aphids is prevention. A healthy plant has enough protective mechanisms. Therefore, make sure that your plants are healthy and strong and that they grow up under perfect circumstances and conditions, because only healthy plants have enough protective mechanisms to defend themselves against insects, pests and other diseases.

Aphids on blackberries
Aphids on blackberries

Aphids on blackberries brief info:

Blackberries belong to the rose family. There are more than a thousand species. 2000 species are known in Europe alone. The fruits of the blackberry plant are used as fruit. Blackberries have no leaves in winter. They are often used as climbing plants and can grow up to 3 meters tall. The older the blackberries are, the more lignified their shoots. The spines of the blackberries serve as a climbing aid and protection against animals from eating. Blackberries are found in almost every continent and are widespread. They prefer sunny to partially shaded landscapes. For example, clearings in forests or on the edges of fields and paths. They like calcareous and nitrogen-rich soil.

Fighting aphids on blackberries:

  • Keep blackberries warm, sunny and dry
  • Avoid wet parts of the plant
  • Make sure there is sufficient air supply
  • Use beneficial insects to protect against aphids on blackberries
  • Sprinkle with soapy water or neem

Fight aphids on blackberries with beneficial insects

They can also fight aphids on blackberries with beneficial insects. Make sure that there is always enough space for beneficial insects to retreat and that they give you the chance to reproduce in your garden. Aphids on blackberries are often eaten by beneficial insects. The beneficial insects are the aphid’s natural enemy.

Proven remedy against aphids on blackberries

These remedies always help against aphids on blackberries in an emergency:

Fight aphids on blackberries

In this article you can read what you can do against aphids on blackberries and how you can take action against aphids on blackberries. Blackberry aphids are easy to control. For example, beneficial insects or various home remedies can be used. Do not use chemical agents until the last resort in the fight against aphids on blackberries.